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About We the Divine...

Pregnant Woman


We the divine was born through a series of efforts to empower women and share the divine power that we have been given. Of course, we all possess this divinity; men, women and children alike. But this brand starts with connecting to the divinity that surrounds and empowers childbearing, childbirthing and child-rearing. ​

My name is Lydia. I started my journey by connecting to childbirth through the birth of my first daughter. From such a beautiful, inexplicable experience I was inspired to change the way that people perceived childbirth. It is not something to be fearful of, nor is it an experience to hand over to another person. It is a sacred, intimate ceremony that all women are absolutely capable of experiencing. I was so connected to this truth that I decided to start studying to become a Labour & Childbirth Doula, Postpartum Doula and Childbirth Educator.

Throughout this learning journey and raising my daughter, I began to realize that not only is our childbirth experience wrongfully controlled by others but our children's health is as well. From the beginning of their lives we put them in diapers containing harmful chemicals, wipe their bottoms with wipes that are bleached and filled with chemicals, then lather them up with "baby cream" (surprise, also filled with unnatural ingredients and chemicals). It felt like there was no end in sight to the injustice that prevents true health in pregnancy, postpartum and for new babies.

This is what really opened the door to putting the We the Divine ideas into action. After concluding how difficult it was to provide her with a non-toxic start to life because the products that we are sold are filled with ingredients that I wanted nothing to do with, my dilemma was solved by the simple realization that I could make these products myself, and do my best to educate women on the "norms" and practices that are widely adopted that are actually very harmful to us and our children.

So i began to create a selection of products for mom & baby that would challenge the status quo and offer nourishing, non-toxic, natural alternatives for the most precious skin. And thus began my commitment to always searching for and creating better options for myself, my family and my community.

We are capable of amazing things. We are capable of providing ourselves and our children with better than we are currently accepting as sufficient. We have within us everything that we need to have beautiful experiences and raise healthy, capable children.

We are Divine, and our Wee's are Divine. 

Sending Love and power to all of you,

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